Alexa Chungs biggest problem is all of the free champagne she receives

Posted by Trudie Dory on Thursday, June 6, 2024


I still don’t really “get” Alexa Chung. She’s pretty, thin and “fashionable” and she dates guys in rock bands, and that’s all it takes for her to be a significant celebrity (in the UK?). I imagine she’s a bit like Kate Bosworth, except Bosworth actually did have an acting career at one point. But Alexa, The Bos and many of those women get into these cycles of just being famous for being professionally “cool” and “fashionable.” Alexa got press earlier this year because she was the alleged (or not so much) other woman in Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin’s marriage. Whatever happened there didn’t last and Chris and Alexa both moved on.

So, all of that combined is enough for Alexa to still earn fashion editorials, magazine covers and legitimate magazine profiles. Alexa’s latest is a video/interview she did with I-D Magazine. She was asked “What do you hate most about the fashion industry?” Her answer:

“Do you know what? I really hate champagne. And my least favorite part of fashion is that that’s the thing that they love to give out free at everything. I always wish whisky was associated with beautiful dresses because then I’d be having a much better time.”

[Via The Mail]

As you can imagine, this has caused some side-eyes and claims that Alexa is so out of touch, she can only complain about the most idiotic #firstworldproblems ever. Boohoo, people are always handing me free glasses of champagne! IT’S SO GAUCHE, I think I’m going to die!

Alexa was aware of the criticism she received, and she tweeted a link to the Wiki definition of “champagne problem”. She also tweeted this:

Ughhhh these diamond shoes are really rubbing my heels.

— alexa chung (@alexa_chung) December 17, 2014

So at least she has a sense of humor about her first world problems. God, why won’t people stop buying me prime rib? This is literally the worst thing that’s ever happened.


Photos courtesy of WENN.
